About the Book
The Vampire is a story about a young girl growing up in a small country town. She spends time with her boyfriend Kevin and her friends from school.
A mysterious visitor moves into their town and events transpire to transform this sleepy town to a town of Horror and Evil, and changes their lives forever.
Kevin loves Sebina and tries to rescue her from the mysterious man that cripples their town. The moment of doom is upon them and their friends.
What lies ahead for Sebina and her friends is unimaginable. Will they survive the fight against these creatures of the night, or will they become creatures .
This book is available online at:
Upcoming Releases
The Vampire, Book 2 (The Final Nightmare)
Beneath The Lake
Through The Eyes Of A Child
A Christmas For The Children
The Christmas Shoppe
Tales of Terror is a compilation of five
short stories in one book titled:
Ghost Town
Vanishing Point (The Story of Mavis Smithe)
The Bloody Hands
Night Crawlers
The Corn Field
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